
The One Man Odyssey

The history of the one-person show is likely as old as language itself. Maybe older. It’s not unreasonable to imagine an overly animated, pre-linguistic Australopithecus grunting out story points in […]

Stage vs. Film

There was an awkward moment after the Off-Broadway opening of The Common Air.  The play, which links 6 characters during an airport delay, was written with Robert McCaskill, who also […]

The Air In Ojai

I did not recognize the 805 area code, but after answering my reliably spotty iPhone, I was surprised to learn it was an equity theater in Ojai, California who wanted […]

The Iceman Bummeth

Of all the positions in all the wide world of sports, one stands alone with the dubious distinction of being the loneliest: that of the ice hockey goalie. All goalies […]

The Unfortunately Fortunate

One of the most serious dangers in economic downturns such as these is turning a blind-eye to the neediest of cases. As usual, the hardest hit group of all has […]

Post Modern Woman

As a post modern woman in new millennia America, I often find myself wishing, willing even, that there were more than twenty-three point four hours in a day.  Time is […]

Philosophical Foreplay

The woman in my bed was such a dollface.  So unlike the women I had been with before.  She had a subtle beauty, one that would look good in extreme […]

The Topography of an Audience pt 1

From the stage, it’s never boring figuring out what type of audience you‘re performing for.  Audiences are limitlessly fascinating.  They’re living organisms.  They may act as a whole, but like […]

Michelangelo Was A Hack

It is easy to forget when looking celestially at the dizzying brilliance of the Sistine Chapel’s intricate ceiling  that Michelangelo was, at one time, a complete and total hack. At […]

Control, Alt, Repeat

“How do you remember all those words?” It’s a common question civilians often ask of actors. And the basic answer, save horse-sized pills of Ginkgo biloba, is brutal repetition.   […]

You Asked For It

Whenever you produce a play, you can be sure there’ll be a confluence of conspiracies awaiting you prior to opening that will insure the maximum amount of stress and anxiety […]

I Me Mine

(Originally published in Elmore Magazine) It was somewhere between the birth of Napster and credit default swaps– when the rest of our understanding of how markets work went out the […]


What’s most essential about cities like Manhattan, Paris and London are not their endlessly variegated tiers of high and low culture, their multitudes of peopledom, or their architectural majesty.  Those […]

My Creative Genius

People often ask me, “How do you do it?  How do you continually create such timelessly inspiring oeuvres of sesquapedalianism?”  I laugh, sometimes to myself, because in truth, there’s really no […]
